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Roll Up Bicycle Valet is now being operated by Bike n' Blend. 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Bring your wheels to Melbourne's Immigration Museum<\/a> for an afternoon of decoration and parade!<\/p>

Calling all bikes, scooters, pedal-cars, prams and walking frames: bring your own special vehicle into the Immigration Museum for some outrageous embellishment and safety checks by our Wheelie experts. One afternoon only!<\/span><\/p>

You bring the vehicle and helmet, and we'll provide all the decorations you'll need for this drop-in workshop. We'll be on site throughout the afternoon to provide aesthetic advice, invaluable safety tips and assistance for beginner riders. Then stay and show off your masterpiece in a dazzling courtyard parade.<\/p>

We'll have some awesome prizes from ByK<\/a> at the Wheelie Parade including;<\/p>

First Prize: ByK helmet and Gloves
Second Prize: ByK T-Shirt and Cap
Third Prize: ByK Water Bottle and Cap<\/p>

No bookings required.<\/p>

More information about the Immigration Museum's School Holiday Activities 'Happy Travels'<\/a> (28 Mar - 12 Apr).<\/p>





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The TransportCamp<\/a> ‘unconference’ brings together transport professionals, researchers, technologists and citizens interested transport, technology and innovation.<\/p>

With the city's population booming and the boundary expanding our mobility demands are changing. How we manage the transforming metropolitan system and interactions will have a direct impact on the city’s economic strength, environmental sustainability and social equity.<\/p>

Recent advances in technology—mobile computing, open source software, open data and spatial analysis—present an opportunity to improve mobility more immediately and at a lower cost than has ever been possible in the past.<\/p>

The Squeaky Wheel is pleased to be supporting this event, presented by our good friends at CrowdSpot<\/a>. <\/p>

FIND OUT MORE<\/a><\/p>

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Attention all you discerning Chaps and Chapettes, three is no better time than autumn to dust off your tweed and wipe the cobwebs from your top tube (of your bicycle, of course..)<\/p>

Congregating at Federation Square (riverside entrance on Birrarung Marr), a group of likeminded individuals will be donning their finest attire and make haste for Abbotsford Convent. Here one will enjoy all the trimmings of the Slow Food Market, good company, safe riding and fine food!<\/p>

Cost: Gold coin donation to the Farmer’s Market and victuals on site.<\/p>

Stay in the loop at the Melbourne Tweed Ride<\/a> facebook page.<\/p>

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\n \"Wheelie\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n \n\n
\n Wheelie Workshop and Parade<\/a>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \n
\n \"Transport\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n \n\n
\n Transport Camp<\/a>\n <\/div>\n
\n \n \n
\n \"Tweed\n <\/div>\n <\/a>\n \n\n
\n Tweed Ride to Slow Food Farmers Market<\/a>\n <\/div>\n