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1000 Cities - A Bike Game

This February the City of Melbourne is inviting all students and in particular international students to take part in an adventure through the streets of Melbourne,  all on two wheels!

All you need to get started is a smartphone, a helmet and one of the city’s blue share bikes ( or bring your own bike!)

Download the 1000 Cities app (available from 2 February) and get ready to be led on an adventure through our city streets and laneways. Along the way, fight monsters, collect treasure and unlock hidden clues designed to help international students find out more about their new city- and have fun along the way!

Find out more: http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/1000Cities This February grab a bike and your smartphone for an adventure through the streets of Melbourne. Fight monsters, collect treasure and explore the hidden parts of the city. A City of Melbourne project created by Pop Up Playground.

About 1000 Cities

A game through the streets of Melbourne using the blue share bikes (or bring your own bike!) , a helmet and your smart phone. 

Fight monsters, collect treasure and explore the hidden parts of the city.

WHEN: 2-28 February 2015

WHERE: Start at the bike share station at Federation Square, located outside the Visitor Centre. 

COST: Free to play. You will need to have a credit card to unlock the bike and charges may apply. There will be a $50 refundable deposit charged to unlock the bikes. The game has been designed to be completed from station to station without additional charges from the blue share bike system, however if students take the bikes for longer periods of time charges will apply.

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This February the City of Melbourne is inviting all students and in particular international students to take part in an adventure through the streets of Melbourne,  all on two wheels!<\/p>

All you need to get started is a smartphone, a helmet and one of the city’s blue share bikes ( or bring your own bike!)<\/p>

Download the 1000 Cities app (available from 2 February) and get ready to be led on an adventure through our city streets and laneways. Along the way, fight monsters, collect treasure and unlock hidden clues designed to help international students find out more about their new city- and have fun along the way!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>