
Vehicles for Change

The Squeaky Wheel was established in 2013 as the formal expression of a grass roots program of community engagement.

We knew that riding a bike improved physical health, mental health, community health and the health of the environment.  We knew that it generated prosperity, made transport more accessible, cities more liveable and roads more loveable. And yet, in Melbourne, at the time of establishment, just 2% of trips were taken by bike. We established The Squeaky Wheel as a vehicle to change this. See below the bones of our strategy.

Vision: Bike riding is a symbol and function of a healthy, creative and happy place

Mission: To keep Melbourne's bike cultures positive & celebratory                  


  • Belongs to you (the community) non member-based, non exlcusive.
  • Responsive to all bike riders, present & future
  • Creative at heart
  • Holistic approach – the personal, social, environmental, health and urban co-benefits of bike riding
  • Reframing/reshaping the bike culture – to be the so called 'Squeaky Wheel' signalling attention


  • To expand and celebrate bicycle culture
  • To help all members of the community ride more often for transport
  • To be a leader and innovator in bicycle promotion
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Vehicles for Change<\/h2>

The Squeaky Wheel was established in 2013 as the formal expression of a grass roots program of community engagement.<\/p>

We knew that riding a bike improved physical health, mental health, community health and the health of the environment.  We knew that it generated prosperity, made transport more accessible, cities more liveable and roads more loveable. And yet, in Melbourne, at the time of establishment, just 2% of trips were taken by bike. We established The Squeaky Wheel as a vehicle to change this. See below the bones of our strategy.<\/p>


Vision<\/em>:<\/strong> Bike riding is a symbol and function of a healthy, creative and happy place<\/p>

Mission<\/em>: To keep Melbourne's bike cultures positive & celebratory                  <\/p>


  • Belongs to you (the community) non member-based, non exlcusive.<\/li>
  • Responsive to all bike riders, present & future<\/li>
  • Creative at heart<\/li>
  • Holistic approach – the personal, social, environmental, health and urban co-benefits of bike riding<\/li>
  • Reframing/reshaping the bike culture – to be the so called 'Squeaky Wheel' signalling attention<\/li><\/ul>


    • To expand and celebrate bicycle culture<\/li>
    • To help all members of the community ride more often for transport<\/li>
    • To be a leader and innovator in bicycle promotion<\/li><\/ul>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "squarespace-footers": "{squarespace-footers}", "squarespace-headers": "{squarespace-headers}", "squarespace": { "main-content": "
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      Vehicles for Change<\/h2>

      The Squeaky Wheel was established in 2013 as the formal expression of a grass roots program of community engagement.<\/p>

      We knew that riding a bike improved physical health, mental health, community health and the health of the environment.  We knew that it generated prosperity, made transport more accessible, cities more liveable and roads more loveable. And yet, in Melbourne, at the time of establishment, just 2% of trips were taken by bike. We established The Squeaky Wheel as a vehicle to change this. See below the bones of our strategy.<\/p>


      Vision<\/em>:<\/strong> Bike riding is a symbol and function of a healthy, creative and happy place<\/p>

      Mission<\/em>: To keep Melbourne's bike cultures positive & celebratory                  <\/p>


      • Belongs to you (the community) non member-based, non exlcusive.<\/li>
      • Responsive to all bike riders, present & future<\/li>
      • Creative at heart<\/li>
      • Holistic approach – the personal, social, environmental, health and urban co-benefits of bike riding<\/li>
      • Reframing/reshaping the bike culture – to be the so called 'Squeaky Wheel' signalling attention<\/li><\/ul>


        • To expand and celebrate bicycle culture<\/li>
        • To help all members of the community ride more often for transport<\/li>
        • To be a leader and innovator in bicycle promotion<\/li><\/ul>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/squarespace:escape>", "template-revision": 387, "page-classes": "tweak-blog-meta-primary-author tweak-blog-meta-secondary-date tweak-blog-list-style-grid tweak-blog-list-separator-show tweak-blog-list-alignment-left tweak-blog-list-item-image-show tweak-blog-list-item-image-aspect-ratio-grid-11-square tweak-blog-list-item-image-aspect-ratio-stacked-11-square tweak-blog-list-item-title-show tweak-blog-list-item-excerpt-show tweak-blog-list-item-body-show tweak-blog-list-item-readmore-inline tweak-blog-list-item-meta-position-below-content tweak-blog-list-pagination-link-label-show tweak-blog-list-pagination-link-icon-show tweak-blog-list-pagination-link-icon-weight-light tweak-blog-item-alignment-left tweak-blog-item-meta-position-above-title tweak-blog-item-share-position-below-content tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-icon-show tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-label-show tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-title-show tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-meta-category tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-icon-weight-light gallery-design-slideshow aspect-ratio-auto lightbox-style-dark gallery-navigation-bullets gallery-info-overlay-show-on-hover gallery-aspect-ratio-32-standard gallery-arrow-style-no-background gallery-transitions-fade gallery-show-arrows gallery-auto-crop product-list-titles-under product-list-alignment-center product-item-size-11-square product-image-auto-crop product-gallery-size-11-square product-gallery-auto-crop show-product-price show-product-item-nav product-social-sharing event-thumbnails event-thumbnail-size-32-standard event-date-label event-date-label-time event-list-show-cats event-list-date event-list-time event-list-address event-icalgcal-links event-excerpts event-item-back-link opentable-style-light newsletter-style-dark small-button-style-solid small-button-shape-square medium-button-style-solid medium-button-shape-square large-button-style-solid large-button-shape-square button-style-default button-corner-style-square tweak-product-quick-view-button-style-floating tweak-product-quick-view-button-position-bottom tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-excerpt-display-truncate tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-show-arrows tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-show-close-button tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-controls-weight-light product-list-titles-under product-list-alignment-center product-item-size-11-square product-image-auto-crop product-gallery-size-11-square product-gallery-auto-crop show-product-price show-product-item-nav product-social-sharing tweak-v1-related-products-image-aspect-ratio-11-square tweak-v1-related-products-details-alignment-center native-currency-code-usd collection-52a005cce4b073f2d2967932 collection-type-page collection-layout-default mobile-style-available", "cart-classes": "sqs-custom-cart", "page-id": "collection-52a005cce4b073f2d2967932", "page-title": "Purpose — The Squeaky Wheel", "headers": "{squarespace-headers}", "footers": "{squarespace-footers}", "facebookAppId": "314192535267336", "betaFeatureFlagsMap": { }, "pageType": "PAGE", "currentLanguageDisplayName": "English" }, "rollup-common-vendors": "