Testimonials — The Squeaky Wheel
The Squeaky Wheel and I share the same passion - to encourage more people, especially women and children, to ride bikes as a mode of transport. They are enthusiastic, professional and fun to work with! I look forward to curating and leading more rides with them as we spread the message that more bikes = happy people and communities.
— Joyce Watts. Owner, Cyclestyle
I have been collaborating with The Squeaky Wheel team on a range of behaviour change programs for many years. They are my go-to people for the delivery of on-site activations. It has always been a pleasure to work with them. Their professionalism, dedication and passion has made our work together some of the most enjoyable of my career.
— Jonathan Daly. Founder, Studio Huss
I have been working with the Squeaky Wheel for three years and I just love having them as part of my world. Passionate, enthusiastic, professional and innovative. And friendly. Really really friendly. The Squeaky Wheel is here to make the world a better place one bike ride at a time.
— Catherine Deveny. Writer, Comedian, Performer and Pushy Women founder
The Squeaky Wheel have been consistent and valuable contributors to the bicycle tours component of MoreArt Public Art Show since its inception in 2010. They have always shown a professional, flexible, friendly, creative and accessible approach to creative cycle culture practice. The tour programs run for MoreArt have been a marvellous success and we hope to continue the relationship into the future.
— Dan Mitchell. Public Art Officer, City of Moreland
We were entirely happy with the service provided by The Squeaky Wheel. They did everything they said they would do in an exemplary cheerful and professional way.
— Janet Bolitho - Friends of Westgate Park
We love working with the The Squeaky Wheel, highly creative and masters of community engagement
— Luke Taylor. Director, Sustainable Living Foundation
Roll Up Bicycle Valet is a perfectly formed nomadic design system: a network of interlocked needs that activates whatever space it occupies, generates health, encourages collective connection and inspires social warmth through a benevolent service.
— Kate Rhodes. Curator, RMIT Design Hub
Good Cycles is very pleased to have an ongoing partnership with The Squeaky Wheel. The team are all very passionate about cycling and its ability to connect communities, and they’re incredibly professional in everything they do. We look forward to many more bike-based community projects together.
— Luke Wright. Co-founder, Good Cycles
I have loved working with The Squeaky Wheel team over the past few years. They are creative and passionate about making riding a bicycle an everyday activity and their diverse range of projects continue to have lasting public value.
— Anthony Aisenberg. Founder, Crowdspot
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\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"Grateful.jpg\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>The Squeaky Wheel and I share the same passion - to encourage more people, especially women and children, to ride bikes as a mode of transport. They are enthusiastic, professional and fun to work with! I look forward to curating and leading more rides with them as we spread the message that more bikes = happy people and communities.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Joyce Watts. Owner, Cyclestyle<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>I have been collaborating with The Squeaky Wheel team on a range of behaviour change programs for many years. They are my go-to people for the delivery of on-site activations. It has always been a pleasure to work with them. Their professionalism, dedication and passion has made our work together some of the most enjoyable of my career. ”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Jonathan Daly. Founder, Studio Huss<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>I have been working with the Squeaky Wheel for three years and I just love having them as part of my world. Passionate, enthusiastic, professional and innovative. And friendly. Really really friendly. The Squeaky Wheel is here to make the world a better place one bike ride at a time.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Catherine Deveny. Writer, Comedian, Performer and Pushy Women founder<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>The Squeaky Wheel have been consistent and valuable contributors to the bicycle tours component of MoreArt Public Art Show since its inception in 2010. They have always shown a professional, flexible, friendly, creative and accessible approach to creative cycle culture practice. The tour programs run for MoreArt have been a marvellous success and we hope to continue the relationship into the future. ”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Dan Mitchell. Public Art Officer, City of Moreland<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>We were entirely happy with the service provided by The Squeaky Wheel. They did everything they said they would do in an exemplary cheerful and professional way. ”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Janet Bolitho - Friends of Westgate Park<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>We love working with the The Squeaky Wheel, highly creative and masters of community engagement”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Luke Taylor. Director, Sustainable Living Foundation<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>Roll Up Bicycle Valet is a perfectly formed nomadic design system: a network of interlocked needs that activates whatever space it occupies, generates health, encourages collective connection and inspires social warmth through a benevolent service.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Kate Rhodes. Curator, RMIT Design Hub<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>Good Cycles is very pleased to have an ongoing partnership with The Squeaky Wheel. The team are all very passionate about cycling and its ability to connect communities, and they’re incredibly professional in everything they do. We look forward to many more bike-based community projects together.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Luke Wright. Co-founder, Good Cycles<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>I have loved working with The Squeaky Wheel team over the past few years. They are creative and passionate about making riding a bicycle an everyday activity and their diverse range of projects continue to have lasting public value.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Anthony Aisenberg. Founder, Crowdspot<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "squarespace-footers": "{squarespace-footers}", "squarespace-headers": "{squarespace-headers}", "squarespace": { "main-content": "
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"Grateful.jpg\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>The Squeaky Wheel and I share the same passion - to encourage more people, especially women and children, to ride bikes as a mode of transport. They are enthusiastic, professional and fun to work with! I look forward to curating and leading more rides with them as we spread the message that more bikes = happy people and communities.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Joyce Watts. Owner, Cyclestyle<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>I have been collaborating with The Squeaky Wheel team on a range of behaviour change programs for many years. They are my go-to people for the delivery of on-site activations. It has always been a pleasure to work with them. Their professionalism, dedication and passion has made our work together some of the most enjoyable of my career. ”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Jonathan Daly. Founder, Studio Huss<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>I have been working with the Squeaky Wheel for three years and I just love having them as part of my world. Passionate, enthusiastic, professional and innovative. And friendly. Really really friendly. The Squeaky Wheel is here to make the world a better place one bike ride at a time.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Catherine Deveny. Writer, Comedian, Performer and Pushy Women founder<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>The Squeaky Wheel have been consistent and valuable contributors to the bicycle tours component of MoreArt Public Art Show since its inception in 2010. They have always shown a professional, flexible, friendly, creative and accessible approach to creative cycle culture practice. The tour programs run for MoreArt have been a marvellous success and we hope to continue the relationship into the future. ”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Dan Mitchell. Public Art Officer, City of Moreland<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>We were entirely happy with the service provided by The Squeaky Wheel. They did everything they said they would do in an exemplary cheerful and professional way. ”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Janet Bolitho - Friends of Westgate Park<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>We love working with the The Squeaky Wheel, highly creative and masters of community engagement”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Luke Taylor. Director, Sustainable Living Foundation<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>Roll Up Bicycle Valet is a perfectly formed nomadic design system: a network of interlocked needs that activates whatever space it occupies, generates health, encourages collective connection and inspires social warmth through a benevolent service.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Kate Rhodes. Curator, RMIT Design Hub<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>Good Cycles is very pleased to have an ongoing partnership with The Squeaky Wheel. The team are all very passionate about cycling and its ability to connect communities, and they’re incredibly professional in everything they do. We look forward to many more bike-based community projects together.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Luke Wright. Co-founder, Good Cycles<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>
\n “<\/span>I have loved working with The Squeaky Wheel team over the past few years. They are creative and passionate about making riding a bicycle an everyday activity and their diverse range of projects continue to have lasting public value.”<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n
— Anthony Aisenberg. Founder, Crowdspot<\/figcaption>\n<\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/squarespace:escape>", "template-revision": 387, "page-classes": "tweak-blog-meta-primary-author tweak-blog-meta-secondary-date tweak-blog-list-style-grid tweak-blog-list-separator-show tweak-blog-list-alignment-left tweak-blog-list-item-image-show tweak-blog-list-item-image-aspect-ratio-grid-11-square tweak-blog-list-item-image-aspect-ratio-stacked-11-square tweak-blog-list-item-title-show tweak-blog-list-item-excerpt-show tweak-blog-list-item-body-show tweak-blog-list-item-readmore-inline tweak-blog-list-item-meta-position-below-content tweak-blog-list-pagination-link-label-show tweak-blog-list-pagination-link-icon-show tweak-blog-list-pagination-link-icon-weight-light tweak-blog-item-alignment-left tweak-blog-item-meta-position-above-title tweak-blog-item-share-position-below-content tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-icon-show tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-label-show tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-title-show tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-meta-category tweak-blog-item-pagination-link-icon-weight-light gallery-design-slideshow aspect-ratio-auto lightbox-style-dark gallery-navigation-bullets gallery-info-overlay-show-on-hover gallery-aspect-ratio-32-standard gallery-arrow-style-no-background gallery-transitions-fade gallery-show-arrows gallery-auto-crop product-list-titles-under product-list-alignment-center product-item-size-11-square product-image-auto-crop product-gallery-size-11-square product-gallery-auto-crop show-product-price show-product-item-nav product-social-sharing event-thumbnails event-thumbnail-size-32-standard event-date-label event-date-label-time event-list-show-cats event-list-date event-list-time event-list-address event-icalgcal-links event-excerpts event-item-back-link opentable-style-light newsletter-style-dark small-button-style-solid small-button-shape-square medium-button-style-solid medium-button-shape-square large-button-style-solid large-button-shape-square button-style-default button-corner-style-square tweak-product-quick-view-button-style-floating tweak-product-quick-view-button-position-bottom tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-excerpt-display-truncate tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-show-arrows tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-show-close-button tweak-product-quick-view-lightbox-controls-weight-light product-list-titles-under product-list-alignment-center product-item-size-11-square product-image-auto-crop product-gallery-size-11-square product-gallery-auto-crop show-product-price show-product-item-nav product-social-sharing tweak-v1-related-products-image-aspect-ratio-11-square tweak-v1-related-products-details-alignment-center native-currency-code-usd collection-52a005ede4b0ee6848ff7b75 collection-type-page collection-layout-default mobile-style-available", "cart-classes": "sqs-custom-cart", "page-id": "collection-52a005ede4b0ee6848ff7b75", "page-title": "Testimonials — The Squeaky Wheel", "headers": "{squarespace-headers}", "footers": "{squarespace-footers}", "facebookAppId": "314192535267336", "betaFeatureFlagsMap": { }, "pageType": "PAGE", "currentLanguageDisplayName": "English" }, "rollup-common-vendors": "