Bike n' Blend take over Roll Up — The Squeaky Wheel
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Bike n' Blend take over Roll Up
June 29, 2017
Despite the bittersweet occasion of our pulling up stumps, we take heart in the knowledge that some of our best programs will not be finishing up with us. Our very good friends Bike n' Blend will be keeping the candle burning (or the wheel squeaking to be more accurate) and taking over the Roll Up bicycle valet service , so no event in Melbourne need ever experience a shortage of bike parking!
They will also be helping to educate the next generation of bike lovers (and their parents) by delivering the Wheelie Workshop . We have loved sharing an office and some great times with the Bike n' Blend crew, and we have every faith in their ability to take these services and make them better for the benefit of all.
Contact 0481 315 956 or email for a Roll Up or Wheelie Workshop quote today!
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