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International Student Tours 2014


 Thanks to the City of Melbourne Community Grants, this Autumn we conduced three fun filled city familiarisation and road safety tours for International Students.

The guided bike tours were offered free to newly arrived students, showing some great destinations to relax from busy student life and also how to navigate safely in city traffic. 

We rode along the Yarra River, found out about Melbourne's arts precinct and got to know a bunch of great people, some exciting places to drink, eat and hang out in the CBD, while imparting plenty of handy tips to tackle the busy road environment.  

Thanks to Melbourne Bike Share, the students rode easy, and also found out how easy it is to get around the city on two wheels.

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Roll Up Bicycle Valet is now being operated by Bike n' Blend. Please contact 0481 315 956 or info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> <\/p>", "clickthroughUrl": { "url": "http://www.bikenblend.com.au/", "newWindow": true } }, "popupOverlaySettings": { "style": 1, "enabledPages": [ ] }, "commentLikesAllowed": false, "commentAnonAllowed": false, "commentThreaded": false, "commentApprovalRequired": false, "commentAvatarsOn": false, "commentSortType": 2, "commentFlagThreshold": 0, "commentFlagsAllowed": false, "commentEnableByDefault": false, "commentDisableAfterDaysDefault": 0, "disqusShortname": "", "collectionTitleFormat": "%c — %s", "itemTitleFormat": "%i — %s", "commentsEnabled": false, "uiComponentRegistrationsFlag": false, "scriptRegistrationsFlag": false, "bundleEligible": false, "newPlanArchitectureEligible": false, "businessHours": { "monday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "tuesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "wednesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] } }, "storeSettings": { "returnPolicy": null, "termsOfService": null, "privacyPolicy": null, "expressCheckout": false, "continueShoppingLinkUrl": "/", "useLightCart": false, "showNoteField": false, "shippingCountryDefaultValue": "US", "billToShippingDefaultValue": false, "showShippingPhoneNumber": true, "isShippingPhoneRequired": false, "showBillingPhoneNumber": true, "isBillingPhoneRequired": false, "currenciesSupported": [ "CHF", "HKD", "MXN", "EUR", "DKK", "USD", "CAD", "MYR", "NOK", "THB", "AUD", "SGD", "ILS", "PLN", "GBP", "CZK", "SEK", "NZD", "PHP", "RUB" ], "defaultCurrency": "USD", "selectedCurrency": "USD", "measurementStandard": 2, "showCustomCheckoutForm": false, "checkoutPageMarketingOptInEnabled": false, "enableMailingListOptInByDefault": true, "sameAsRetailLocation": false, "merchandisingSettings": { "scarcityEnabledOnProductItems": false, "scarcityEnabledOnProductBlocks": false, "scarcityMessageType": "DEFAULT_SCARCITY_MESSAGE", "scarcityThreshold": 10, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true, "restockNotificationsEnabled": false, "restockNotificationsSuccessText": "", "restockNotificationsMailingListSignUpEnabled": false, "relatedProductsEnabled": false, "relatedProductsOrdering": "random", "soldOutVariantsDropdownDisabled": false, "productComposerOptedIn": false, "productComposerABTestOptedOut": false, "productReviewsEnabled": false, "displayImportedProductReviewsEnabled": false, "hasOptedToCollectNativeReviews": false }, "minimumOrderSubtotalEnabled": false, "isLive": false, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true }, "useEscapeKeyToLogin": true, "ssBadgeType": 1, "ssBadgePosition": 4, "ssBadgeVisibility": 1, "ssBadgeDevices": 1, "pinterestOverlayOptions": { "mode": "disabled" }, "ampEnabled": false, "isRestrictiveCookiePolicyEnabled": false, "seoHidden": false, "userAccountsSettings": { "loginAllowed": false, "signupAllowed": false }, "isCookieBannerEnabled": false, "isVisitorDataRestricted": false, "contactEmail": "jette@thesqueakywheel.com.au", "contactPhoneNumber": "0431 991 450" }, "item": { "id": "5361c6d4e4b091cbee1a6b03", "collectionId": "52d3331ee4b041b6149493de", "recordType": 1, "addedOn": 1398916809438, "updatedOn": 1498997426295, "displayIndex": 0, "starred": false, "passthrough": false, "tags": [ "orientation rides", "cultural tours" ], "categories": [ "Rides & Tours" ], "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1398916809438, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1398917463867-B09GSOT5Q6ZJKD3A0Y4R", "systemDataVariants": "950x550,100w,300w,500w,750w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPEG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "filename": "InternationalStudents2.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "67603e", "topRightAverage": "464b4b", "bottomLeftAverage": "c6cacc", "bottomRightAverage": "5a656d", "centerAverage": "7c7c7b", "suggestedBgColor": "383621" }, "urlId": "international-student-tours-2014", "title": "International Student Tours 2014", "sourceUrl": "", "clickthroughUrl": "", "body": "

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 <\/span>Thanks to the City of Melbourne Community Grants<\/a>, this Autumn we conduced three fun filled city familiarisation and road safety tours for International Students.<\/p>

The guided bike tours were offered free to newly arrived students, showing some great destinations to relax from busy student life and also how to navigate safely in city traffic. <\/p>

We rode along the Yarra River, found out about Melbourne's arts precinct and got to know a bunch of great people, some exciting places to drink, eat and hang out in the CBD, while imparting plenty of handy tips to tackle the busy road environment.  <\/span><\/p>

Thanks to Melbourne Bike Share<\/a>, the students rode easy, and also found out how easy it is to get around the city on two wheels.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "excerpt": "

Thanks to the City of Melbourne Community Grants<\/a>, this Autumn we conduced three fun filled city familiarisation and road safety tours for International Students.<\/p>

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International Student Tours 2014<\/h1>\n\n \n
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 <\/span>Thanks to the City of Melbourne Community Grants<\/a>, this Autumn we conduced three fun filled city familiarisation and road safety tours for International Students.<\/p>

The guided bike tours were offered free to newly arrived students, showing some great destinations to relax from busy student life and also how to navigate safely in city traffic. <\/p>

We rode along the Yarra River, found out about Melbourne's arts precinct and got to know a bunch of great people, some exciting places to drink, eat and hang out in the CBD, while imparting plenty of handy tips to tackle the busy road environment.  <\/span><\/p>

Thanks to Melbourne Bike Share<\/a>, the students rode easy, and also found out how easy it is to get around the city on two wheels.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n

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