Move Mindfully in Melbourne — The Squeaky Wheel
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Move Mindfully in Melbourne


Move Mindfully in Melbourne was a social marketing campaign delivered for The City of Melbourne over two years 2012 and 2013. The object of the campaign was to deliver a social marketing project to increase road user awareness (cyclists, pedestrians and drivers) of working collaboratively and respectfully to achieve road safety outcomes - road harmony. 

The objectives of the project were: 

  • To deliver messages about achieving positive road safety outcomes by complying with the road rules and demonstrating courteous behaviour
  • To alert road users of the risks of selective attentiveness (acknowledging the presence of other road users);
  • To remind road users that they are responsible for their on-road decisions and behaviours; and
  • Create opportunities to mobilise road users around creating a safer and more enjoyable road environment 

In 2012 we partnered with cartoonist and humourist Oslo Davis and designers SouthSouthWest to create a campaign based around 6 scenarios. The scenarios addressed road user behaviour, and were applied to takeaway coffee cups distributed for use in cafes close to incident hots spots in the Melbourne CBD. Complimented by a booklet, street poster campaign and social media activity, the Move MIndfully project was launched during Bikefest 2012.  View the scenarios below.

In 2013, the project was extended by The City of Melbourne and we worked with film producer Jessica Hutchinson to create 3 short video clips depicting a day in the life of 'Mr Mindful', using the city's shared spaces at a pedestrian, motorist and bike rider. The clips were shown at selected events during Bikefest 2013 and also featured on the big screen at Federation Square as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival to a large general public audience. The clips were selected for screening in the Bikeshorts program of Interfilm Berlin. View the clips below. 

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Move Mindfully in Melbourne was a social marketing campaign delivered for The City of Melbourne over two years 2012 and 2013. The object of the campaign was to deliver a social marketing project to increase road user awareness (cyclists, pedestrians and drivers) of working collaboratively and respectfully to achieve road safety outcomes - road harmony. <\/p>

The objectives of the project were: <\/p>