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Clementine Ford's Excursion


Sunday 8 December, 2-4.30pm

Departing from St Ali North


What a way to end the year! Taking a two wheeled tour with a bunch of awesome ladies lead by the gorgeous, glorious and notorious CLEMENTINE FORD.  The first three Pushy Women Excursions, presented in partnership with Catherine Deveny have proved to be an absolute CRACKER of a time. So if you need a break from the silly season before it even gets started, we have a VERY LIMITED number of places left in this Sunday’s excursion.

As usual, we will start with a free coffee and a tune up care of St Ali North andVelo Cycles, and ride off into the summery afternoon  to visit some of Clementine’s favourite people and places. NOTE TO WARDROBE, one of the stops will involve a very special photo opportunity for you and your treadlie, so don’t let it go to waste…We’ll be visiting houses, flea markets and getting serenaded with our own personal musical performance. The ride will finish up in Brunswick in everyone’s favourite beer garden at The Brunswick Green.

So what can we expect from our gracious host on the day? Here’s a snippet of Clementine’s bicycle story:

When did you first start riding a bike?
I can’t remember ever not being able to ride a bike, so I must have started pretty 

early! I stopped riding in my teens because we lived at the top of a big hill and I ended up just walking everywhere. But I re-embraced the two wheels when I was at university and have never looked back!

What do you like best about bike riding?
I love the freedom having a bike gives you. You can literally go anywhere on it. It’s very liberating. And there’s nothing better than going for a ride on a beautiful spring night when the scent of jasmine hangs heavy in the air. Everything feels possible then.

How had riding a bike changed your life?
I can’t really pinpoint anything, but I think bike riding gives you a confidence specific to being able to get on a bike and just go. So many people who don’t ride think that they can’t, or they’re afraid. So there’s a fearlessness to riding. I feel like I’m part of a long line of women who have bucked authority. Obviously now there’s nothing strange about a woman riding a bike; but it was a rebellious thing for women to do in the beginning. Being a part of that tradition is very satisfying.

Tickets:  $25 adult / $15 accompanying child (plus 30c booking fee) via trybooking (includes free coffee and bike tune up)
Tour start: 24 November 2pm at St Ali North, 815 Nicholson St, Carlton North
Bring: Working bicycle + bell (or hire a bike from Velo Cycles for $20, please book prior to ride), helmet, camera/phone, water.
Contact: Pip via pip@thesqueakywheel.com.au if you’re new to bike riding, want to bring small family members along or if you have any questions.


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Roll Up Bicycle Valet is now being operated by Bike n' Blend. Please contact 0481 315 956 or info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> <\/p>", "clickthroughUrl": { "url": "http://www.bikenblend.com.au/", "newWindow": true } }, "popupOverlaySettings": { "style": 1, "enabledPages": [ ] }, "commentLikesAllowed": false, "commentAnonAllowed": false, "commentThreaded": false, "commentApprovalRequired": false, "commentAvatarsOn": false, "commentSortType": 2, "commentFlagThreshold": 0, "commentFlagsAllowed": false, "commentEnableByDefault": false, "commentDisableAfterDaysDefault": 0, "disqusShortname": "", "collectionTitleFormat": "%c — %s", "itemTitleFormat": "%i — %s", "commentsEnabled": false, "uiComponentRegistrationsFlag": false, "scriptRegistrationsFlag": false, "bundleEligible": false, "newPlanArchitectureEligible": false, "businessHours": { "monday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "tuesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "wednesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] } }, "storeSettings": { "returnPolicy": null, "termsOfService": null, "privacyPolicy": null, "expressCheckout": false, "continueShoppingLinkUrl": "/", "useLightCart": false, "showNoteField": false, "shippingCountryDefaultValue": "US", "billToShippingDefaultValue": false, "showShippingPhoneNumber": true, "isShippingPhoneRequired": false, "showBillingPhoneNumber": true, "isBillingPhoneRequired": false, "currenciesSupported": [ "CHF", "HKD", "MXN", "EUR", "DKK", "USD", "CAD", "MYR", "NOK", "THB", "AUD", "SGD", "ILS", "PLN", "GBP", "CZK", "SEK", "NZD", "PHP", "RUB" ], "defaultCurrency": "USD", "selectedCurrency": "USD", "measurementStandard": 2, "showCustomCheckoutForm": false, "checkoutPageMarketingOptInEnabled": false, "enableMailingListOptInByDefault": true, "sameAsRetailLocation": false, "merchandisingSettings": { "scarcityEnabledOnProductItems": false, "scarcityEnabledOnProductBlocks": false, "scarcityMessageType": "DEFAULT_SCARCITY_MESSAGE", "scarcityThreshold": 10, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true, "restockNotificationsEnabled": false, "restockNotificationsSuccessText": "", "restockNotificationsMailingListSignUpEnabled": false, "relatedProductsEnabled": false, "relatedProductsOrdering": "random", "soldOutVariantsDropdownDisabled": false, "productComposerOptedIn": false, "productComposerABTestOptedOut": false, "productReviewsEnabled": false, "displayImportedProductReviewsEnabled": false, "hasOptedToCollectNativeReviews": false }, "minimumOrderSubtotalEnabled": false, "isLive": false, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true }, "useEscapeKeyToLogin": true, "ssBadgeType": 1, "ssBadgePosition": 4, "ssBadgeVisibility": 1, "ssBadgeDevices": 1, "pinterestOverlayOptions": { "mode": "disabled" }, "ampEnabled": false, "isRestrictiveCookiePolicyEnabled": false, "seoHidden": false, "userAccountsSettings": { "loginAllowed": false, "signupAllowed": false }, "isCookieBannerEnabled": false, "isVisitorDataRestricted": false, "contactEmail": "jette@thesqueakywheel.com.au", "contactPhoneNumber": "0431 991 450" }, "item": { "id": "52ec3b9ee4b01301ddbf4526", "collectionId": "52d3331ee4b041b6149493de", "recordType": 1, "addedOn": 1386115800000, "updatedOn": 1417994173579, "displayIndex": 5, "starred": false, "passthrough": false, "tags": [ "Pushy Women", "excursions" ], "categories": [ "Rides & Tours" ], "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1386115800000, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1391247091913-J81QT4GR7BCLF5Z84K2Z", "systemDataVariants": "950x550,100w,300w,500w,750w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPEG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "filename": "PW_ClementineFord.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "080606", "topRightAverage": "12180b", "bottomLeftAverage": "2d1c1c", "bottomRightAverage": "3a3b3b", "centerAverage": "ac9457", "suggestedBgColor": "16130e" }, "urlId": "pushy-women-excursion-4-clementine-fords-favourite-things", "title": "Clementine Ford's Excursion", "sourceUrl": "", "body": "

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Sunday 8 December, 2-4.30pm<\/strong><\/p>

Departing from St Ali North<\/p>


What a way to end the year! Taking a two wheeled tour with a bunch of awesome ladies lead by the gorgeous, glorious and notorious CLEMENTINE FORD<\/a>.  The first three Pushy Women Excursions, presented in partnership with Catherine Deveny<\/a> have proved to be an absolute CRACKER of a time. So if you need a break from the silly season before it even gets started, we have a VERY LIMITED number of places left in this Sunday’s excursion.<\/p>

As usual, we will start with a free coffee and a tune up care of St Ali North<\/a> andVelo Cycles<\/a>, and ride off into the summery afternoon  to visit some of Clementine’s favourite people and places. NOTE TO WARDROBE<\/strong>, one of the stops will involve a very special photo opportunity for you and your treadlie, so don’t let it go to waste…We’ll be visiting houses, flea markets and getting serenaded with our own personal musical performance. The ride will finish up in Brunswick in everyone’s favourite beer garden at The Brunswick Green.<\/p>

So what can we expect from our gracious host on the day? Here’s a snippet of Clementine’s bicycle story:<\/p>

When did you first start riding a bike?<\/strong><\/span>
I can’t remember ever not being able to ride a bike, so I must have started pretty <\/p>

early! I stopped riding in my teens because we lived at the top of a big hill and I ended up just walking everywhere. But I re-embraced the two wheels when I was at university and have never looked back!<\/p>

What do you like best about bike riding?<\/strong>
I love the freedom having a bike gives you. You can literally go anywhere on it. It’s very liberating. And there’s nothing better than going for a ride on a beautiful spring night when the scent of jasmine hangs heavy in the air. Everything feels possible then.<\/p>

How had riding a bike changed your life?<\/strong>
I can’t really pinpoint anything, but I think bike riding gives you a confidence specific to being able to get on a bike and just go. So many people who don’t ride think that they can’t, or they’re afraid. So there’s a fearlessness to riding. I feel like I’m part of a long line of women who have bucked authority. Obviously now there’s nothing strange about a woman riding a bike; but it was a rebellious thing for women to do in the beginning. Being a part of that tradition is very satisfying.<\/p>

Tickets:  <\/strong>$25 adult / $15 accompanying child (plus 30c booking fee) via 
trybooking <\/a>(includes free coffee and bike tune up)
Tour start:<\/strong> 24 November 2pm at 
St Ali North<\/a>, 815 Nicholson St, Carlton North
Bring<\/strong>: Working bicycle + bell (or hire a bike from Velo Cycles for $20, please 
book<\/a> prior to ride), helmet, camera/phone, water.
Contact<\/strong>: Pip via 
pip@thesqueakywheel.com.au<\/a> if you’re new to bike riding, want to bring small family members along or if you have any questions.<\/p>

 <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "excerpt": "", "location": { "mapZoom": 14.0, "mapLat": -37.7659567, "mapLng": 144.96121119999998, "markerLat": -37.7659567, "markerLng": 144.96121119999998, "addressTitle": "", "addressLine1": "", "addressLine2": "", "addressCountry": "" }, "likeCount": 1, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "displayName": "Guest User", "firstName": "Guest", "lastName": "User", "bio": "" }, "fullUrl": "/blog/pushy-women-excursion-4-clementine-fords-favourite-things", "assetUrl": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b/1391247091913-J81QT4GR7BCLF5Z84K2Z/PW_ClementineFord.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "950x550", "recordTypeLabel": "text" }, "collection": { "id": "52d3331ee4b041b6149493de", "websiteId": "529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b", "mainImageId": "52d334c4e4b08a76249f9dc9", "mainImage": { "id": "52d334c4e4b08a76249f9dc9", "recordType": 2, "addedOn": 1389573316040, "updatedOn": 1389573318463, "starred": false, "workflowState": 1, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1389573316040-WEK4PEP6YNXF2RX6XOP0", "systemDataVariants": "1024x683,100w,300w,500w,750w,1000w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPEG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "filename": "BikeinSun.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "4f543f", "topRightAverage": "f5ede9", "bottomLeftAverage": "6d726f", "bottomRightAverage": "6d7665", "centerAverage": "bfc1be", "suggestedBgColor": "3a3d32" }, "urlId": "eoz6ciihcklbnkwtq9cnm3340ufd9d", "title": "", "body": null, "customContent": null, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 1, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "displayName": "Guest User", "firstName": "Guest", "lastName": "User", "bio": "" }, "assetUrl": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b/1389573316040-WEK4PEP6YNXF2RX6XOP0/BikeinSun.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "1024x683", "recordTypeLabel": "image" }, "video": { "playbackSpeed": 1, "zoom": 0 }, "backgroundSource": 1, "enabled": true, "starred": false, "type": 1, "ordering": 2, "title": "Blog", "navigationTitle": "Blog", "urlId": "blog", "itemCount": 90, "updatedOn": 1498992649798, "description": "


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Clementine Ford's Excursion<\/h1>\n\n \n
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Sunday 8 December, 2-4.30pm<\/strong><\/p>

Departing from St Ali North<\/p>


What a way to end the year! Taking a two wheeled tour with a bunch of awesome ladies lead by the gorgeous, glorious and notorious CLEMENTINE FORD<\/a>.  The first three Pushy Women Excursions, presented in partnership with Catherine Deveny<\/a> have proved to be an absolute CRACKER of a time. So if you need a break from the silly season before it even gets started, we have a VERY LIMITED number of places left in this Sunday’s excursion.<\/p>

As usual, we will start with a free coffee and a tune up care of St Ali North<\/a> andVelo Cycles<\/a>, and ride off into the summery afternoon  to visit some of Clementine’s favourite people and places. NOTE TO WARDROBE<\/strong>, one of the stops will involve a very special photo opportunity for you and your treadlie, so don’t let it go to waste…We’ll be visiting houses, flea markets and getting serenaded with our own personal musical performance. The ride will finish up in Brunswick in everyone’s favourite beer garden at The Brunswick Green.<\/p>

So what can we expect from our gracious host on the day? Here’s a snippet of Clementine’s bicycle story:<\/p>

When did you first start riding a bike?<\/strong><\/span>
I can’t remember ever not being able to ride a bike, so I must have started pretty <\/p>

early! I stopped riding in my teens because we lived at the top of a big hill and I ended up just walking everywhere. But I re-embraced the two wheels when I was at university and have never looked back!<\/p>

What do you like best about bike riding?<\/strong>
I love the freedom having a bike gives you. You can literally go anywhere on it. It’s very liberating. And there’s nothing better than going for a ride on a beautiful spring night when the scent of jasmine hangs heavy in the air. Everything feels possible then.<\/p>

How had riding a bike changed your life?<\/strong>
I can’t really pinpoint anything, but I think bike riding gives you a confidence specific to being able to get on a bike and just go. So many people who don’t ride think that they can’t, or they’re afraid. So there’s a fearlessness to riding. I feel like I’m part of a long line of women who have bucked authority. Obviously now there’s nothing strange about a woman riding a bike; but it was a rebellious thing for women to do in the beginning. Being a part of that tradition is very satisfying.<\/p>

Tickets:  <\/strong>$25 adult / $15 accompanying child (plus 30c booking fee) via 
trybooking <\/a>(includes free coffee and bike tune up)
Tour start:<\/strong> 24 November 2pm at 
St Ali North<\/a>, 815 Nicholson St, Carlton North
Bring<\/strong>: Working bicycle + bell (or hire a bike from Velo Cycles for $20, please 
book<\/a> prior to ride), helmet, camera/phone, water.
Contact<\/strong>: Pip via 
pip@thesqueakywheel.com.au<\/a> if you’re new to bike riding, want to bring small family members along or if you have any questions.<\/p>

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