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Two Wheeled Talks - Leyla Acaroglu

She has presented at TED2013 California, TEDx Sydney, TEDx Melbourne, GRID2013 Stockholm, AGDA 2013 Minneapolis and now you can see her up close and mobile on our Two Wheeled Talk: Leyla Acaroglu is the Founder and Director of Eco Innovators, and this Saturday she will be unearthing her favourite social and environmental enterprises in Melbourne. 
The tour will start at Pop Up Patch on Fed Square car park and take in stops including The Social Studio and Mater St Community Garden in Collingwood, the 60L Green Building in Carlton and on return to the city take in Common Ground and refreshments at SheBeen on Manchester Lane - giving us Leyla's unique take on what makes a good one and why they are important.

BYO bike & helmet, places are limited so book early!

Cost: $30 (+ 30Ct booking fee)


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Roll Up Bicycle Valet is now being operated by Bike n' Blend. Please contact 0481 315 956 or info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> <\/p>", "clickthroughUrl": { "url": "http://www.bikenblend.com.au/", "newWindow": true } }, "popupOverlaySettings": { "style": 1, "enabledPages": [ ] }, "commentLikesAllowed": false, "commentAnonAllowed": false, "commentThreaded": false, "commentApprovalRequired": false, "commentAvatarsOn": false, "commentSortType": 2, "commentFlagThreshold": 0, "commentFlagsAllowed": false, "commentEnableByDefault": false, "commentDisableAfterDaysDefault": 0, "disqusShortname": "", "collectionTitleFormat": "%c — %s", "itemTitleFormat": "%i — %s", "commentsEnabled": false, "uiComponentRegistrationsFlag": false, "scriptRegistrationsFlag": false, "bundleEligible": false, "newPlanArchitectureEligible": false, "businessHours": { "monday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "tuesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "wednesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] } }, "storeSettings": { "returnPolicy": null, "termsOfService": null, "privacyPolicy": null, "expressCheckout": false, "continueShoppingLinkUrl": "/", "useLightCart": false, "showNoteField": false, "shippingCountryDefaultValue": "US", "billToShippingDefaultValue": false, "showShippingPhoneNumber": true, "isShippingPhoneRequired": false, "showBillingPhoneNumber": true, "isBillingPhoneRequired": false, "currenciesSupported": [ "CHF", "HKD", "MXN", "EUR", "DKK", "USD", "CAD", "MYR", "NOK", "THB", "AUD", "SGD", "ILS", "PLN", "GBP", "CZK", "SEK", "NZD", "PHP", "RUB" ], "defaultCurrency": "USD", "selectedCurrency": "USD", "measurementStandard": 2, "showCustomCheckoutForm": false, "checkoutPageMarketingOptInEnabled": false, "enableMailingListOptInByDefault": true, "sameAsRetailLocation": false, "merchandisingSettings": { "scarcityEnabledOnProductItems": false, "scarcityEnabledOnProductBlocks": false, "scarcityMessageType": "DEFAULT_SCARCITY_MESSAGE", "scarcityThreshold": 10, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true, "restockNotificationsEnabled": false, "restockNotificationsSuccessText": "", "restockNotificationsMailingListSignUpEnabled": false, "relatedProductsEnabled": false, "relatedProductsOrdering": "random", "soldOutVariantsDropdownDisabled": false, "productComposerOptedIn": false, "productComposerABTestOptedOut": false, "productReviewsEnabled": false, "displayImportedProductReviewsEnabled": false, "hasOptedToCollectNativeReviews": false }, "minimumOrderSubtotalEnabled": false, "isLive": false, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true }, "useEscapeKeyToLogin": true, "ssBadgeType": 1, "ssBadgePosition": 4, "ssBadgeVisibility": 1, "ssBadgeDevices": 1, "pinterestOverlayOptions": { "mode": "disabled" }, "ampEnabled": false, "isRestrictiveCookiePolicyEnabled": false, "seoHidden": false, "userAccountsSettings": { "loginAllowed": false, "signupAllowed": false }, "isCookieBannerEnabled": false, "isVisitorDataRestricted": false, "contactEmail": "jette@thesqueakywheel.com.au", "contactPhoneNumber": "0431 991 450" }, "item": { "id": "52f9b1e4e4b0ce0e09ebed54", "collectionId": "52d3331ee4b041b6149493de", "recordType": 1, "addedOn": 1392680955179, "updatedOn": 1498541872919, "displayIndex": 23, "starred": true, "passthrough": false, "tags": [ "Bookings", "events", "two wheeled talks", "cultural tours", "behaviour change" ], "categories": [ "Rides & Tours" ], "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1392680955179, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1392682494824-HN4DJWHDZYBGU5DJ0K3A", "systemDataVariants": "470x280,100w,300w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPEG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "filename": "Pop up patch.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "ffffff", "topRightAverage": "8c8f9a", "bottomLeftAverage": "2f2e24", "bottomRightAverage": "484748", "centerAverage": "4b4c52", "suggestedBgColor": "ffffff" }, "urlId": "two-wheeled-talks-digging-up-innovators-with-leyla-a", "title": "Two Wheeled Talks - Leyla Acaroglu", "sourceUrl": "", "clickthroughUrl": "", "body": "


She has presented at TED2013 California<\/a>, TEDx Sydney, TEDx Melbourne, GRID2013 Stockholm, AGDA 2013 Minneapolis<\/a> and now you can see her up close and mobile on our Two Wheeled Talk: Leyla Acaroglu is the Founder and Director of Eco Innovators<\/a>, and this Saturday she will be unearthing her favourite social and environmental enterprises in Melbourne. 
The tour will start at 
Pop Up Patch on Fed Square car park<\/a> and take in stops including The Social Studio<\/a> and Mater St Community Garden<\/a> in Collingwood, the 60L Green Building<\/a> in Carlton and on return to the city take in Common Ground<\/a> and refreshments at SheBeen<\/a> on Manchester Lane - giving us Leyla's unique take on what makes a good one and why they are important.<\/p>

BYO bike & helmet, places are limited so book early!<\/p>

Cost: $30 (+ 30Ct booking fee)<\/p>

BOOK YOUR SPOT<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "excerpt": "

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You don't have to be related to appreciate the special bonds of sisterhood. Every woman has a woman in their life that is privy to our deepest desires, the first to hear good (and bad!) news, someone who knows just when we need to be parked on the couch with a cup of tea, packet of tim tams and the remote control. This Sunday we celebrate sisterhood with a special ride in the southside. Mussels, coffee, sparkling and beach cruise... <\/p>", "location": { "mapZoom": 14.0, "mapLat": -37.74888500000001, "mapLng": 145.0301644, "markerLat": -37.7659567, "markerLng": 144.96121119999998, "addressTitle": "", "addressLine1": "", "addressLine2": "", "addressCountry": "" }, "customContent": null, "likeCount": 3, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "displayName": "Guest User", "firstName": "Guest", "lastName": "User", "bio": "" }, "fullUrl": "/blog/sisters-are-doing-it-for-themselves", "assetUrl": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b/1394082274653-5XORF90OJHQRZAKG6QGT/SisterhoodRide_Bikes.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { }, "originalSize": "2998x1736", "recordTypeLabel": "text" }, "nextItem": { "id": "52fd7f0fe4b01d4da24c2823", "collectionId": "52d3331ee4b041b6149493de", "recordType": 1, "addedOn": 1392344832738, "updatedOn": 1498976767703, "displayIndex": 24, "starred": false, "passthrough": false, "tags": [ ], "categories": [ "Events", "Favourites" ], "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1392344832738, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1392346091514-OBEOHLVFJKB77GBMR5SH", "systemDataVariants": "950x550,100w,300w,500w,750w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPEG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "filename": "SheSpokeThumb.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "ffffff", "topRightAverage": "ffffff", "bottomLeftAverage": "ffffff", "bottomRightAverage": "ffffff", "centerAverage": "a65a79", "suggestedBgColor": "ffffff" }, "urlId": "she-spoke-and-we-listened", "title": "She Spoke ", "sourceUrl": "", "body": null, "excerpt": "

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\n\n \n\n

Two Wheeled Talks - Leyla Acaroglu<\/h1>\n\n \n

She has presented at TED2013 California<\/a>, TEDx Sydney, TEDx Melbourne, GRID2013 Stockholm, AGDA 2013 Minneapolis<\/a> and now you can see her up close and mobile on our Two Wheeled Talk: Leyla Acaroglu is the Founder and Director of Eco Innovators<\/a>, and this Saturday she will be unearthing her favourite social and environmental enterprises in Melbourne. 
The tour will start at 
Pop Up Patch on Fed Square car park<\/a> and take in stops including The Social Studio<\/a> and Mater St Community Garden<\/a> in Collingwood, the 60L Green Building<\/a> in Carlton and on return to the city take in Common Ground<\/a> and refreshments at SheBeen<\/a> on Manchester Lane - giving us Leyla's unique take on what makes a good one and why they are important.<\/p>

BYO bike & helmet, places are limited so book early!<\/p>

Cost: $30 (+ 30Ct booking fee)<\/p>

BOOK YOUR SPOT<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n

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