Wheelie Workshops — The Squeaky Wheel
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Wheelie Workshops

The Wheelie Workshop is now being run by the team at Bike n' Blend. Contact 0481 315 956 or email info@bikenblend.com.au for a quote today!

At first glance, the Wheelie Workshop was a fairly innocuous form of children's entertainment. We rocked up at events, venues and festivals with a marquee, our trained Bike Doctors, a hot glue gun and a mountain of dinosaurs and other decorative devices so that kids of all ages could spend time decorating their bike, scooters and themselves before going for a spin in a parade! 

We would often bring some spare bikes (and helmets) of our own, so that everyone could take part whether they had a bike or not. Along the way, we'd give tips to parents on how to safety fit a helmet or adjust a seat, we'd help the kids build confidence to or even given one on one lessons, depending on the event. 

While engaged in some silly fun with our Bike Doctors, kids (and their parents) were actually learning how to do a safety check on their bike and the crucial elements to check before each ride. Our parade was the perfect opportunity to give some tips on technique and handling, the sort of small details that can turn riding from a chore to a spin! 

There was however, another element to the Wheelie Workshop. As their children were absorbed in deciding whether to glue the blue dinosaur or the red palm tree onto their handlebars, parents would find themselves standing around and musing on their own bike-riding. Maybe they'd fallen into conversation with another parent or one of our Bike Doctors, maybe it was the sight of their own child finding the confidence to spin three times around the parade ground. Whatever it was, the Wheelie Workshop seems to remind people not only of all the times they have enjoyed riding a bike but of the possibility of going on to do so, and of involving their children. 

In fact, the Wheelie Workshop was the very embodiment of our philosophy around not only getting more people onto their bikes but reminding everyone of just how much fun riding a bike can be!

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Roll Up Bicycle Valet is now being operated by Bike n' Blend. Please contact 0481 315 956 or info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> <\/p>", "clickthroughUrl": { "url": "http://www.bikenblend.com.au/", "newWindow": true } }, "popupOverlaySettings": { "style": 1, "enabledPages": [ ] }, "commentLikesAllowed": false, "commentAnonAllowed": false, "commentThreaded": false, "commentApprovalRequired": false, "commentAvatarsOn": false, "commentSortType": 2, "commentFlagThreshold": 0, "commentFlagsAllowed": false, "commentEnableByDefault": false, "commentDisableAfterDaysDefault": 0, "disqusShortname": "", "collectionTitleFormat": "%c — %s", "itemTitleFormat": "%i — %s", "commentsEnabled": false, "uiComponentRegistrationsFlag": false, "scriptRegistrationsFlag": false, "bundleEligible": false, "newPlanArchitectureEligible": false, "businessHours": { "monday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "tuesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "wednesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] } }, "storeSettings": { "returnPolicy": null, "termsOfService": null, "privacyPolicy": null, "expressCheckout": false, "continueShoppingLinkUrl": "/", "useLightCart": false, "showNoteField": false, "shippingCountryDefaultValue": "US", "billToShippingDefaultValue": false, "showShippingPhoneNumber": true, "isShippingPhoneRequired": false, "showBillingPhoneNumber": true, "isBillingPhoneRequired": false, "currenciesSupported": [ "CHF", "HKD", "MXN", "EUR", "DKK", "USD", "CAD", "MYR", "NOK", "THB", "AUD", "SGD", "ILS", "PLN", "GBP", "CZK", "SEK", "NZD", "PHP", "RUB" ], "defaultCurrency": "USD", "selectedCurrency": "USD", "measurementStandard": 2, "showCustomCheckoutForm": false, "checkoutPageMarketingOptInEnabled": false, "enableMailingListOptInByDefault": true, "sameAsRetailLocation": false, "merchandisingSettings": { "scarcityEnabledOnProductItems": false, "scarcityEnabledOnProductBlocks": false, "scarcityMessageType": "DEFAULT_SCARCITY_MESSAGE", "scarcityThreshold": 10, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true, "restockNotificationsEnabled": false, "restockNotificationsSuccessText": "", "restockNotificationsMailingListSignUpEnabled": false, "relatedProductsEnabled": false, "relatedProductsOrdering": "random", "soldOutVariantsDropdownDisabled": false, "productComposerOptedIn": false, "productComposerABTestOptedOut": false, "productReviewsEnabled": false, "displayImportedProductReviewsEnabled": false, "hasOptedToCollectNativeReviews": false }, "minimumOrderSubtotalEnabled": false, "isLive": false, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true }, "useEscapeKeyToLogin": true, "ssBadgeType": 1, "ssBadgePosition": 4, "ssBadgeVisibility": 1, "ssBadgeDevices": 1, "pinterestOverlayOptions": { "mode": "disabled" }, "ampEnabled": false, "isRestrictiveCookiePolicyEnabled": false, "seoHidden": false, "userAccountsSettings": { "loginAllowed": false, "signupAllowed": false }, "isCookieBannerEnabled": false, "isVisitorDataRestricted": false, "contactEmail": "jette@thesqueakywheel.com.au", "contactPhoneNumber": "0431 991 450" }, "item": { "id": "55c7362fe4b067afeab5a452", "collectionId": "52d3331ee4b041b6149493de", "recordType": 1, "addedOn": 1447066380397, "updatedOn": 1498973349236, "displayIndex": 0, "starred": true, "passthrough": false, "tags": [ ], "categories": [ "Events", "Programming" ], "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1447066380397, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1498973288961-FNUXYGKVZZ02HLVQUG6F", "systemDataVariants": "950x550,100w,300w,500w,750w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "filename": "static1.squarespace-2.jpg", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "a2aaaf", "topRightAverage": "383f2c", "bottomLeftAverage": "ada99d", "bottomRightAverage": "9d6f6c", "centerAverage": "bc7b4b", "suggestedBgColor": "54575c" }, "urlId": "wheelie-workshops", "title": "Wheelie Workshops ", "sourceUrl": "", "body": "

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\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n \n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

The Wheelie Workshop is now being run by the team at Bike n' Blend. Contact 0481 315 956<\/a> or email info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> for a quote today!<\/p>

At first glance, the Wheelie Workshop was a fairly innocuous form of children's entertainment. We rocked up at events, venues and festivals with a marquee, our trained Bike Doctors, a hot glue gun and a mountain of dinosaurs and other decorative devices so that kids of all ages could spend time decorating their bike, scooters and themselves before going for a spin in a parade! <\/p>

We would often bring some spare bikes (and helmets) of our own, so that everyone could take part whether they had a bike or not. Along the way, we'd give tips to parents on how to safety fit a helmet or adjust a seat, we'd help the kids build confidence to or even given one on one lessons, depending on the event. <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n \n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

While engaged in some silly fun with our Bike Doctors, kids (and their parents) were actually learning how to do a safety check on their bike and the crucial elements to check before each ride. Our parade was the perfect opportunity to give some tips on technique and handling, the sort of small details that can turn riding from a chore to a spin! <\/p>

There was however, another element to the Wheelie Workshop. As their children were absorbed in deciding whether to glue the blue dinosaur or the red palm tree onto their handlebars, parents would find themselves standing around and musing on their own bike-riding. Maybe they'd fallen into conversation with another parent or one of our Bike Doctors, maybe it was the sight of their own child finding the confidence to spin three times around the parade ground. Whatever it was, the Wheelie Workshop seems to remind people not only of all the times they have enjoyed riding a bike but of the possibility of going on to do so, and of involving their children. <\/p>

In fact, the Wheelie Workshop was the very embodiment of our philosophy around not only getting more people onto their bikes but reminding everyone of just how much fun riding a bike can be!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
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Wheelie Workshops <\/h1>\n\n \n
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The Wheelie Workshop is now being run by the team at Bike n' Blend. Contact 0481 315 956<\/a> or email info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> for a quote today!<\/p>

At first glance, the Wheelie Workshop was a fairly innocuous form of children's entertainment. We rocked up at events, venues and festivals with a marquee, our trained Bike Doctors, a hot glue gun and a mountain of dinosaurs and other decorative devices so that kids of all ages could spend time decorating their bike, scooters and themselves before going for a spin in a parade! <\/p>

We would often bring some spare bikes (and helmets) of our own, so that everyone could take part whether they had a bike or not. Along the way, we'd give tips to parents on how to safety fit a helmet or adjust a seat, we'd help the kids build confidence to or even given one on one lessons, depending on the event. <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

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While engaged in some silly fun with our Bike Doctors, kids (and their parents) were actually learning how to do a safety check on their bike and the crucial elements to check before each ride. Our parade was the perfect opportunity to give some tips on technique and handling, the sort of small details that can turn riding from a chore to a spin! <\/p>

There was however, another element to the Wheelie Workshop. As their children were absorbed in deciding whether to glue the blue dinosaur or the red palm tree onto their handlebars, parents would find themselves standing around and musing on their own bike-riding. Maybe they'd fallen into conversation with another parent or one of our Bike Doctors, maybe it was the sight of their own child finding the confidence to spin three times around the parade ground. Whatever it was, the Wheelie Workshop seems to remind people not only of all the times they have enjoyed riding a bike but of the possibility of going on to do so, and of involving their children. <\/p>

In fact, the Wheelie Workshop was the very embodiment of our philosophy around not only getting more people onto their bikes but reminding everyone of just how much fun riding a bike can be!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

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