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Cyclehack Melbourne


Cyclehack is an event bringing people together to come up with ideas that solve the barriers to cycling and build them in under48 hours. Teams of people with a variety of skills will collaborate to build and make new ideas a reality.

We’re looking for people like you. People who are excited about making cycling easier where they live and have experience of moving around the city, so that includes everyone. Your background could be in design, technology or you’re just passionate about cycling and solving problems. After the event we upload all the ideas online for the world to share.


You will come up with ideas that removes a barrier to cycling, made real into some kind of prototype that can be implemented into a city environment. Prototypes can be physical, digital or even policy based.

You might design a mudguard that can be cut from a plastic bottle to solve wet bums, a handlebar paint squeezer that reveals hidden potholes with luminous paint at night or a website showing where you can find a cycle buddy in your city, removing the barrier of fear of riding on unfamiliar roads. 

Download the weekend program outlining the Cyclehack process.

Cyclehack is also run in several other cities – Glasgow, Hamburg, San Fransisco, Kuala Lumpur, Philadelphia, Bristol etc. – at the same time so you will be joining a global event, all working together to make cycling easier. Be part of the big Cyclehack community.


Friday 20 June, 6-9pm
The Hub Melbourne
673 Bourke St Melbourne
By Donation
Refreshments available

Kick off Melbourne Cyclehack at a social networking event including presentations by four locals with a expert perspective on solving design problems. Featuring:
Anthony Aisenberg, Founder & Director, Crowdspot
Alice Lewis, Founder/Designer, Night Brigade
Mark Strachan, Lecturer, Industrial Design and Product Design Engineering, Swinburne University
Pip Carroll, Founder & Executive Director, The Squeaky Wheel

Saturday 21 June, 10am- 6pm
Sunday 22 June, 10am - 4pm

at Swinburne University Prahran Campus
144 High St Prahran
TICKETS: $55 single / $125 Group of 3

The weekend focus is on designing, forming ideas and creating prototypes that can be implemented into a city environment. These prototypes can be physical, digital or even policy based. You will be assisted by experienced facilitators/mentors including:

Faith Hunter, Editor, Treadlie Magazine
Damon Rao, Transport Planner, The City of Melbourne
Danielle MadeleyEngineer, software developer and bike mechanic
Carl Turner, Design Lecturer/mentor at Swinburne Design Factory
Joakim Eriksson, Lecturer and Coach at Swinburne University of Technology

Follow @CyclehackMLB or use the hashtag #cyclehack

Cyclehack Melbourne



Swinburne University, Prahran Campus,
144 High St,

+ gCal
+ iCal

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Cyclehack is an event bringing people together to come up with ideas that solve the barriers to cycling and build them in under48 hours. Teams of people with a variety of skills will collaborate to build and make new ideas a reality.

We’re looking for people like you. People who are excited about making cycling easier where they live and have experience of moving around the city, so that includes everyone. Your background could be in design, technology or you’re just passionate about cycling and solving problems. After the event we upload all the ideas online for the world to share.<\/p>


You will come up with ideas that removes a barrier to cycling, made real into some kind of prototype that can be implemented into a city environment. Prototypes can be physical, digital or even policy based.<\/p>

You might design a mudguard that can be cut from a plastic bottle to solve wet bums, a handlebar paint squeezer that reveals hidden potholes with luminous paint at night or a website showing where you can find a cycle buddy in your city, removing the barrier of fear of riding on unfamiliar roads. 

Download the <\/span>
weekend program<\/a> outlining the Cyclehack process.<\/span><\/p>

Cyclehack is also run in several other cities – Glasgow, Hamburg, San Fransisco, Kuala Lumpur, Philadelphia, Bristol etc. – at the same time so you will be joining a global event, all working together to make cycling easier. Be part of the big Cyclehack community.<\/p>


Friday 20 June, 6-9pm<\/strong>
The Hub Melbourne
673 Bourke St Melbourne
By Donation
Refreshments available

Kick off Melbourne Cyclehack at a social networking event including presentations by four locals with a expert perspective on solving design problems. Featuring:
Anthony Aisenberg<\/a>, Founder & Director, Crowdspot
Alice Lewis<\/a>, Founder/Designer, Night Brigade
Mark Strachan<\/a>, Lecturer, Industrial Design and Product Design Engineering, Swinburne University
Pip Carroll<\/a>, Founder & Executive Director, The Squeaky Wheel<\/p>

Saturday 21 June, 10am- 6pm
Sunday 22 June, 10am - 4pm<\/strong>
at Swinburne University Prahran Campus
144 High St Prahran
TICKETS: $55 single / $125 Group of 3

The weekend focus is on designing, forming ideas and creating prototypes that can be implemented into a city environment. These prototypes can be physical, digital or even policy based. You will be assisted by experienced facilitators/mentors including:<\/p>

Faith Hunter<\/a>, Editor, Treadlie Magazine
Damon Rao<\/a>, Transport Planner, The City of Melbourne
Danielle Madeley<\/a>, <\/span>Engineer, software developer and bike mechanic<\/span>
Carl Turner<\/a>, Design Lecturer/mentor at Swinburne Design Factory
Joakim Eriksson<\/a>, Lecturer and Coach at Swinburne University of Technology

@CyclehackMLB<\/a> or use the hashtag #cyclehack<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "excerpt": "", "location": { "mapZoom": 14.0, "mapLat": -37.8517458, "mapLng": 144.99201770000002, "markerLat": -37.8517458, "markerLng": 144.99201770000002, "addressTitle": "Swinburne University, Prahran Campus", "addressLine1": "144 High St", "addressLine2": "Prahran", "addressCountry": "Australia" }, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "displayName": "Guest User", "firstName": "Guest", "lastName": "User", "bio": "" }, "fullUrl": "/events/cyclehackmelbourne", "assetUrl": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b/1400480782793-0H68EAM57KW66RNXV7TR/cyclehack-melbourne.png", "contentType": "image/png", "structuredContent": { "_type": "CalendarEvent", "startDate": 1403251200000, "endDate": 1403416800000 }, 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Cyclehack Melbourne<\/h1>\n\n \n
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Cyclehack is an event bringing people together to come up with ideas that solve the barriers to cycling and build them in under48 hours. Teams of people with a variety of skills will collaborate to build and make new ideas a reality.

We’re looking for people like you. People who are excited about making cycling easier where they live and have experience of moving around the city, so that includes everyone. Your background could be in design, technology or you’re just passionate about cycling and solving problems. After the event we upload all the ideas online for the world to share.<\/p>


You will come up with ideas that removes a barrier to cycling, made real into some kind of prototype that can be implemented into a city environment. Prototypes can be physical, digital or even policy based.<\/p>

You might design a mudguard that can be cut from a plastic bottle to solve wet bums, a handlebar paint squeezer that reveals hidden potholes with luminous paint at night or a website showing where you can find a cycle buddy in your city, removing the barrier of fear of riding on unfamiliar roads. 

Download the <\/span>weekend program<\/a> outlining the Cyclehack process.<\/span><\/p>

Cyclehack is also run in several other cities – Glasgow, Hamburg, San Fransisco, Kuala Lumpur, Philadelphia, Bristol etc. – at the same time so you will be joining a global event, all working together to make cycling easier. Be part of the big Cyclehack community.<\/p>


Friday 20 June, 6-9pm<\/strong>
The Hub Melbourne
673 Bourke St Melbourne
By Donation
Refreshments available

Kick off Melbourne Cyclehack at a social networking event including presentations by four locals with a expert perspective on solving design problems. Featuring:
Anthony Aisenberg<\/a>, Founder & Director, Crowdspot
Alice Lewis<\/a>, Founder/Designer, Night Brigade
Mark Strachan<\/a>, Lecturer, Industrial Design and Product Design Engineering, Swinburne University
Pip Carroll<\/a>, Founder & Executive Director, The Squeaky Wheel<\/p>

Saturday 21 June, 10am- 6pm
Sunday 22 June, 10am - 4pm<\/strong>
at Swinburne University Prahran Campus
144 High St Prahran
TICKETS: $55 single / $125 Group of 3

The weekend focus is on designing, forming ideas and creating prototypes that can be implemented into a city environment. These prototypes can be physical, digital or even policy based. You will be assisted by experienced facilitators/mentors including:<\/p>

Faith Hunter<\/a>, Editor, Treadlie Magazine
Damon Rao<\/a>, Transport Planner, The City of Melbourne
Danielle Madeley<\/a>, <\/span>Engineer, software developer and bike mechanic<\/span>
Carl Turner<\/a>, Design Lecturer/mentor at Swinburne Design Factory
Joakim Eriksson<\/a>, Lecturer and Coach at Swinburne University of Technology

@CyclehackMLB<\/a> or use the hashtag #cyclehack<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n\n


Cyclehack Melbourne<\/h4>\n



\n Swinburne University, Prahran Campus,
\n 144 High St,
\n Prahran,
\n Australia\n <\/address>\n \n \n

\n + gCal<\/a>
+ iCal<\/a>\n <\/p>\n <\/div>\n

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