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Design Ride

 We've teamed up with the creative folk at the Office for Good Design to bring you two rides exploring Melbourne's creative side and we're very excited to be able to announce the second of these is coming up on Saturday November 7th. 

The Office for Good Design's mission is to advance excellence in the creative industries, support innovation and advocate the value of design, architecture and the arts. All things which tick boxes for us and there's no better way to discover what creative Melburnians are doing than on a bike! 

The second of our Design Rides is on Saturday November 7th.

See your city by bike through the eyes of its creative community. Join design studio PractiseStudioPractise and The Squeaky Wheel for a free, well-paced tour through Melbourne to explore some of PractiseStidioPractise's favourite spots in Collingwood and Fitzroy. PractiseStudioPractise is the creative partnership of Lauren Stephens and Laura Clauscen. Together they produce work in the fields of art direction, set design, product and experiential design and curatorial exercises.

Pump up your tyres and cycle over to Queen Victoria Gardens - the afternoon ride begins at MPavillion and finishes in Smith St. 

This  tour is appropriate for confident riders and will take place mainly on on-road bike lanes  and city streets. 

Bring some water, sunscreen and snacks.


And if you haven't already, subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you're up to date with all of our programming. 

Design Ride



Queen Victoria Gardens,
Melbourne, VIC, 3002,

+ gCal
+ iCal

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Roll Up Bicycle Valet is now being operated by Bike n' Blend. Please contact 0481 315 956 or info@bikenblend.com.au<\/a> <\/p>", "clickthroughUrl": { "url": "http://www.bikenblend.com.au/", "newWindow": true } }, "popupOverlaySettings": { "style": 1, "enabledPages": [ ] }, "commentLikesAllowed": false, "commentAnonAllowed": false, "commentThreaded": false, "commentApprovalRequired": false, "commentAvatarsOn": false, "commentSortType": 2, "commentFlagThreshold": 0, "commentFlagsAllowed": false, "commentEnableByDefault": false, "commentDisableAfterDaysDefault": 0, "disqusShortname": "", "collectionTitleFormat": "%c — %s", "itemTitleFormat": "%i — %s", "commentsEnabled": false, "uiComponentRegistrationsFlag": false, "scriptRegistrationsFlag": false, "bundleEligible": false, "newPlanArchitectureEligible": false, "businessHours": { "monday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "tuesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] }, "wednesday": { "text": "", "ranges": [ { } ] } }, "storeSettings": { "returnPolicy": null, "termsOfService": null, "privacyPolicy": null, "expressCheckout": false, "continueShoppingLinkUrl": "/", "useLightCart": false, "showNoteField": false, "shippingCountryDefaultValue": "US", "billToShippingDefaultValue": false, "showShippingPhoneNumber": true, "isShippingPhoneRequired": false, "showBillingPhoneNumber": true, "isBillingPhoneRequired": false, "currenciesSupported": [ "CHF", "HKD", "MXN", "EUR", "DKK", "USD", "CAD", "MYR", "NOK", "THB", "AUD", "SGD", "ILS", "PLN", "GBP", "CZK", "SEK", "NZD", "PHP", "RUB" ], "defaultCurrency": "USD", "selectedCurrency": "USD", "measurementStandard": 2, "showCustomCheckoutForm": false, "checkoutPageMarketingOptInEnabled": false, "enableMailingListOptInByDefault": true, "sameAsRetailLocation": false, "merchandisingSettings": { "scarcityEnabledOnProductItems": false, "scarcityEnabledOnProductBlocks": false, "scarcityMessageType": "DEFAULT_SCARCITY_MESSAGE", "scarcityThreshold": 10, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true, "restockNotificationsEnabled": false, "restockNotificationsSuccessText": "", "restockNotificationsMailingListSignUpEnabled": false, "relatedProductsEnabled": false, "relatedProductsOrdering": "random", "soldOutVariantsDropdownDisabled": false, "productComposerOptedIn": false, "productComposerABTestOptedOut": false, "productReviewsEnabled": false, "displayImportedProductReviewsEnabled": false, "hasOptedToCollectNativeReviews": false }, "minimumOrderSubtotalEnabled": false, "isLive": false, "multipleQuantityAllowedForServices": true }, "useEscapeKeyToLogin": true, "ssBadgeType": 1, "ssBadgePosition": 4, "ssBadgeVisibility": 1, "ssBadgeDevices": 1, "pinterestOverlayOptions": { "mode": "disabled" }, "ampEnabled": false, "isRestrictiveCookiePolicyEnabled": false, "seoHidden": false, "userAccountsSettings": { "loginAllowed": false, "signupAllowed": false }, "isCookieBannerEnabled": false, "isVisitorDataRestricted": false, "contactEmail": "jette@thesqueakywheel.com.au", "contactPhoneNumber": "0431 991 450" }, "item": { "id": "55e8e031e4b0e48153476866", "collectionId": "52a013b4e4b0d7c82c617ea5", "recordType": 12, "addedOn": 1445910364462, "updatedOn": 1445910515524, "displayIndex": 10, "starred": false, "passthrough": false, "workflowState": 1, "publishOn": 1445910364462, "authorId": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "systemDataId": "1441325271034-FXJ17I2PFIY36AZEVPMI", "systemDataVariants": "385x257,100w,300w", "systemDataSourceType": "JPG", "systemDataOrigin": "USER_UPLOAD", "mediaFocalPoint": { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5, "source": 3 }, "colorData": { "topLeftAverage": "eef2fd", "topRightAverage": "f4f8fd", "bottomLeftAverage": "adb0c6", "bottomRightAverage": "cbcee1", "centerAverage": "707ea5", "suggestedBgColor": "dce6f8" }, "urlId": "melbourne-design-rides", "title": "Design Ride", "sourceUrl": "", "body": "

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 We've teamed up with the creative folk at the Office for Good Design<\/a> to bring you two rides exploring Melbourne's creative side and we're very excited to be able to announce the second of these is coming up on Saturday November 7th. <\/p>

The Office for Good Design's mission is to advance excellence in the creative industries, support innovation and advocate the value of design, architecture and the arts. All things which tick boxes for us and there's no better way to discover what creative Melburnians are doing than on a bike! <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

The second of our Design Rides is on Saturday November 7th.<\/p>

See your city by bike through the eyes of its creative community. Join design studio PractiseStudioPractise<\/a> and The Squeaky Wheel for a free, well-paced tour through Melbourne to explore some of PractiseStidioPractise's favourite spots in Collingwood and Fitzroy. PractiseStudioPractise is the creative partnership of Lauren Stephens and Laura Clauscen. Together they produce work in the fields of art direction, set design, product and experiential design and curatorial exercises.<\/p>

Pump up your tyres and cycle over to Queen Victoria Gardens - the afternoon ride begins at MPavillion<\/a> and finishes in Smith St. <\/p>

This  tour is appropriate for confident riders and will take place mainly on on-road bike lanes  and city streets. <\/p>

Bring some water, sunscreen and snacks.<\/p>

BOOK YOUR TICKET TO RIDE NOW<\/strong> <\/a><\/p>

And if you haven't already, subscribe to our newsletter<\/a> to make sure you're up to date with all of our programming. <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "excerpt": "", "location": { "mapZoom": 13.0, "mapLat": -37.8217854, "mapLng": 144.97026440000002, "markerLat": -37.8217854, "markerLng": 144.97026440000002, "addressTitle": "MPavillion", "addressLine1": "Queen Victoria Gardens", "addressLine2": "Melbourne, VIC, 3002", "addressCountry": "Australia" }, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 2, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "displayName": "Guest User", "firstName": "Guest", "lastName": "User", "bio": "" }, "fullUrl": "/events/melbourne-design-rides", "assetUrl": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b/1441325271034-FXJ17I2PFIY36AZEVPMI/image-asset.jpeg", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "structuredContent": { "_type": 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Coming up<\/a>\n\n\n\n

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Design Ride<\/h1>\n\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

 We've teamed up with the creative folk at the Office for Good Design<\/a> to bring you two rides exploring Melbourne's creative side and we're very excited to be able to announce the second of these is coming up on Saturday November 7th. <\/p>

The Office for Good Design's mission is to advance excellence in the creative industries, support innovation and advocate the value of design, architecture and the arts. All things which tick boxes for us and there's no better way to discover what creative Melburnians are doing than on a bike! <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"\"\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

The second of our Design Rides is on Saturday November 7th.<\/p>

See your city by bike through the eyes of its creative community. Join design studio PractiseStudioPractise<\/a> and The Squeaky Wheel for a free, well-paced tour through Melbourne to explore some of PractiseStidioPractise's favourite spots in Collingwood and Fitzroy. PractiseStudioPractise is the creative partnership of Lauren Stephens and Laura Clauscen. Together they produce work in the fields of art direction, set design, product and experiential design and curatorial exercises.<\/p>

Pump up your tyres and cycle over to Queen Victoria Gardens - the afternoon ride begins at MPavillion<\/a> and finishes in Smith St. <\/p>

This  tour is appropriate for confident riders and will take place mainly on on-road bike lanes  and city streets. <\/p>

Bring some water, sunscreen and snacks.<\/p>

BOOK YOUR TICKET TO RIDE NOW<\/strong> <\/a><\/p>

And if you haven't already, subscribe to our newsletter<\/a> to make sure you're up to date with all of our programming. <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n\n


Design Ride<\/h4>\n



\n MPavillion,
\n Queen Victoria Gardens,
\n Melbourne, VIC, 3002,
\n Australia\n <\/address>\n \n \n

\n + gCal<\/a>
+ iCal<\/a>\n <\/p>\n <\/div>\n

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