< Back to Coming up



Pushy Women North Speaking Event

PW North Compile.jpg

Like women?
Like bikes?
Like a cracking yarn, a good cack and a talk fest?

You'll love Pushy Women….They're smart, sharp, dirty, hot and hilarious and they're going to hit you with tales of two wheels.

WARNING! May include town bikes, speed freaks, lycra lasses, dykes on bikes, pedal pushers, dinkers and BMX bandits.

Eight of Melbourne's most prominent writers, comedians, thinkers and performers present their take on being a pushy woman.


Kate Langbroek, Bev Killick, Genevieve Morris, Van Badham, Anne Edmonds, Karen Pickering, Lally Katz and Pip Lincoln

Hosted by Catherine Deveny - writer, comedian, atheist postergirl and commuter cyclist evangelist.

Will sell out.

$35 full / $25 conc. plus booking fee

Pushy Women North Speaking Event



Thornbury Theatre,
859 High St,
Thornbury VIC 3071,

+ gCal
+ iCal

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Like women?
Like bikes?
Like a cracking yarn, a good cack and a talk fest?<\/p>

You'll love Pushy Women….They're smart, sharp, dirty, hot and hilarious and they're going to hit you with tales of two wheels.<\/p>

WARNING! May include town bikes, speed freaks, lycra lasses, dykes on bikes, pedal pushers, dinkers and BMX bandits.<\/p>

Eight of Melbourne's most prominent writers, comedians, thinkers and performers present their take on being a pushy woman.<\/p>


Kate Langbroek, Bev Killick, Genevieve Morris, Van Badham, Anne Edmonds, Karen Pickering, Lally Katz and Pip Lincoln<\/strong><\/p>

Hosted by <\/span>Catherine Deveny<\/strong> - writer, comedian, atheist postergirl and commuter cyclist evangelist.<\/span><\/p>

Will sell out.

$35 full / $25 conc. plus booking fee<\/strong>
 <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "excerpt": "

Eight prominent women talk for eight minutes each about bikes. <\/p>", "location": { "mapZoom": 14.0, "mapLat": -37.7547037, "mapLng": 145.00113310000006, "markerLat": -37.7547037, "markerLng": 145.00113310000006, "addressTitle": "Thornbury Theatre", "addressLine1": "859 High St", "addressLine2": "Thornbury VIC 3071", "addressCountry": "Australia" }, "likeCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "publicCommentCount": 0, "commentState": 1, "unsaved": false, "author": { "id": "60059b042a9f891955c398dc", "displayName": "Guest User", "firstName": "Guest", "lastName": "User", "bio": "" }, "fullUrl": "/events/pushy-women-north", "assetUrl": "https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/529fffe9e4b0ee6848ff742b/1394532774137-RJ29EGPRZ3NFP2REX0GE/PW+North+Compile.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg", "structuredContent": { "_type": "CalendarEvent", "startDate": 1394946000000, "endDate": 1394953200000 }, "startDate": 1394946000000, "endDate": 1394953200000, "pushedServices": { }, "pendingPushedServices": { 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<\/pre>\n\n  \n\n  
\n\n \n\n

Pushy Women North Speaking Event<\/h1>\n\n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \"PW\n\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n \n \n \n\n \n \n <\/figure>\n \n\n <\/div>\n \n\n\n \n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

Like women?
Like bikes?
Like a cracking yarn, a good cack and a talk fest?<\/p>

You'll love Pushy Women….They're smart, sharp, dirty, hot and hilarious and they're going to hit you with tales of two wheels.<\/p>

WARNING! May include town bikes, speed freaks, lycra lasses, dykes on bikes, pedal pushers, dinkers and BMX bandits.<\/p>

Eight of Melbourne's most prominent writers, comedians, thinkers and performers present their take on being a pushy woman.<\/p>


Kate Langbroek, Bev Killick, Genevieve Morris, Van Badham, Anne Edmonds, Karen Pickering, Lally Katz and Pip Lincoln<\/strong><\/p>

Hosted by <\/span>Catherine Deveny<\/strong> - writer, comedian, atheist postergirl and commuter cyclist evangelist.<\/span><\/p>

Will sell out.

$35 full / $25 conc. plus booking fee<\/strong>


Pushy Women North Speaking Event<\/h4>\n



\n Thornbury Theatre,
\n 859 High St,
\n Thornbury VIC 3071,
\n Australia\n <\/address>\n \n \n

\n + gCal<\/a>
+ iCal<\/a>\n <\/p>\n <\/div>\n

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