The Squeaky Wheel is a female initiated and run organisation. This doesn't mean we are only interested in women's riding, but it certainly makes us well placed to understand the unique motivations and barriers to riding faced by women. We won't expect you to name the parts of a bike, or break a sweat, and we certainly don't expect you to go out and buy 'cycling' gear. We'll just gently take you through the basic knowledge and skills you need to have the confidence to start your bike journey. Wherever it may take you... All of our Teachers are female and we set aside parts of our Learn to Ride program for female only enrolments. Click through the courses below to see when our next Pushy Women sessions are available.
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The Squeaky Wheel is a female initiated and run organisation. This doesn't mean we are only interested in women's riding, but it certainly makes us well placed to understand the unique motivations and barriers to riding faced by women. We won't expect you to name the parts of a bike, or break a sweat, and we certainly don't expect you to go out and buy 'cycling' gear. We'll just gently take you through the basic knowledge and skills you need to have the confidence to start your bike journey. Wherever it may take you... All of our Teachers are female and we set aside parts of our Learn to Ride program for female only enrolments. Click through the courses below to see when our next Pushy Women sessions are available. <\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>