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Good Wheel Project
February 04, 2014
The Good Wheel Project was a collaboration between The Squeaky Wheel and not for profit social enterprise Good Cycles . The pilot program was initiated by the City of Melbourne in 2014. The objectives of the program were:
To deliver information about Victorian road rules. To support safe cycling in an inner city road environment. To promote messaging about achieving positive road safety outcomes by complying with the road rules and demonstrating courteous behaviour. Improve level of understanding the road rules and behavioural expectations in less familiar street environments. Mitigate the potential for safety issues when road users are presented with new and unfamiliar road environments. Increase level of individual responsibility among road users. Increase mobility of new refugees and asylum seekers. Provide opportunities for social connectedness and foster a sense of belonging. The program was delivered over 4 or 5 sessions, in which participants were provided with a bike in good working order, a helmet, a lock, reflectors and travel smart maps. Participants also received instruction on basic bicycle maintenance, including how to perform a bike check before riding, how to grease the chain, check the brakes, inflate tyres, remove a wheel and change a puncture. The group were assessed for their riding skills and ability, and took part in off road skills sessions to improve their balance, braking, riding one handed (for signalling), changing gears, slow riding, starting and stopping. The program also delivered 3 classroom sessions that outlined safe riding strategies, road rules, signage meanings, negotiating intersections, roundabouts, hook turns and guidelines for riding near trams. Participants learned to plot a route for a ride on the travel smart map, and were guided on how to best plan a route for riding in the city. The program also included 3 rides of varying distances and complexity, building up to a long ride around the city. Before graduating , participants underwent assessment with a quiz (usually passing with flying colours!) all reporingt a significant improvement in their skills, knowledge and confidence after the program.
The Good Wheel Program was initiated by the City of Melbourne , and was delivered by a partnership between The Squeaky Wheel and Good Cycles . Referrals to the program are provided by AMES , lights and locks come courtesy of Knog , and helmets from Nutcase .
A number of rounds of the project were delivered, each with a different intake group. Find out more below.
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The Good Wheel Project was a collaboration between The Squeaky Wheel and not for profit social enterprise Good Cycles<\/a>. The pilot program was initiated by the City of Melbourne in 2014. The objectives of the program were:<\/p>To deliver information about Victorian road rules.<\/li> To support safe cycling in an inner city road environment.<\/li> To promote messaging about achieving positive road safety outcomes by complying with the road rules and demonstrating courteous behaviour.<\/li> Improve level of understanding the road rules and behavioural expectations in less familiar street environments.<\/li> Mitigate the potential for safety issues when road users are presented with new and unfamiliar road environments.<\/li> Increase level of individual responsibility among road users.<\/li> Increase mobility of new refugees and asylum seekers.<\/li> Provide opportunities for social connectedness and foster a sense of belonging. <\/li><\/ul>The program was delivered over 4 or 5 sessions, in which participants were provided with a bike in good working order, a helmet, a lock, reflectors and travel smart maps. Participants also received instruction on basic bicycle maintenance, including how to perform a bike check before riding, how to grease the chain, check the brakes, inflate tyres, remove a wheel and change a puncture. The group were assessed for their riding skills and ability, and took part in off road skills sessions to improve their balance, braking, riding one handed (for signalling), changing gears, slow riding, starting and stopping. The program also delivered 3 classroom sessions that outlined safe riding strategies, road rules, signage meanings, negotiating intersections, roundabouts, hook turns and guidelines for riding near trams. Participants learned to plot a route for a ride on the travel smart map, and were guided on how to best plan a route for riding in the city. The program also included 3 rides of varying distances and complexity, building up to a long ride around the city. Before graduating , participants underwent assessment with a quiz (usually passing with flying colours!) all reporingt a significant improvement in their skills, knowledge and confidence after the program.<\/p>
The Good Wheel Program was initiated by the City of Melbourne<\/a>, and was delivered by a partnership between The Squeaky Wheel and Good Cycles<\/a>. Referrals to the program are provided by AMES<\/a>, lights and locks come courtesy of Knog<\/a>, and helmets from Nutcase<\/a>. <\/p>A number of rounds of the project were delivered, each with a different intake group. Find out more below.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>