Part performance, part observance, no parts endurance, the Pushy Women Excursions invite female writers, thinkers, doers and performers to lead literary and comedic two-wheeled tours, and ask you to join them for the ride. The idea comes off the back of the immensely popular annual comedy event of the same name, chaired by comedienne and cycling enthusiast Catherine Deveny .
The excursions are a social afternoon, with a different hostess each time. You'll be guided to Melbourne's hidden gems, from ice cream shops to Turkish grocers. You might throw a football around Edinburgh Gardens, duck into a couple of op shops, or cruise along the Yarra. Get together for a fun-filled Sunday arvo cruise with women of all ages, from 11 to 70. Let's get pedalling, ladies!
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Part performance, part observance, no parts endurance, the Pushy Women Excursions invite female writers, thinkers, doers and performers to lead literary and comedic two-wheeled tours, and ask you to join them for the ride. The idea comes off the back of the immensely popular annual comedy event<\/a> of the same name, chaired by comedienne and cycling enthusiast Catherine Deveny<\/a>.<\/p>The excursions are a social afternoon, with a different hostess each time. You'll be guided to Melbourne's hidden gems, from ice cream shops to Turkish grocers. You might throw a football around Edinburgh Gardens, duck into a couple of op shops, or cruise along the Yarra. Get together for a fun-filled Sunday arvo cruise with women of all ages, from 11 to 70. Let's get pedalling, ladies!<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>