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2013 Bikefest

The 2013 Bikefest extended on the success of the 2012 event, continuing to nudge the celebration of bike riding out of a sporting context and into the arms of a receptive general public.  We re-created the Village Picnic, Treadlie Market and Wheelie Workshop, expanded Pushy Women to a 300 seat speaking event, and for the first time shut down a major street for 4 blocks to present the Port Melbourne Bikefest.  We produced part 2 of the Move Mindfully in Melbourne campaign and worked with the Road Safe Action Group to document people's thoughts on car dooring. To close the festival, we held a finale of the Best In Show Competition, presented in partnership with Treadlie Magazine.  And we did this with a new member of the Squeaky Wheel team in tow - Pipsqueak Junior, the youngest member of our committee. After the 2013 festival we decided it was time to change tack, and the results are right before your eyes....

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The 2013 Bikefest extended on the success of the 2012 event, continuing to nudge the celebration of bike riding out of a sporting context and into the arms of a receptive general public.  We re-created the Village Picnic<\/a>, Treadlie Market<\/a> and Wheelie Workshop, expanded Pushy Women<\/strong><\/a> to a 300 seat speaking event, and for the first time shut down a major street for 4 blocks to present the Port Melbourne Bikefest<\/a>.  We produced part 2 of the Move Mindfully in Melbourne <\/strong><\/a>campaign and worked with the Road Safe Action Group to document people's thoughts on car dooring. To close the festival, we held a finale of the Best In Show<\/a> Competition, presented in partnership with Treadlie Magazine.  And we did this with a new member of the Squeaky Wheel team in tow - Pipsqueak Junior<\/a>, the youngest member of our committee. After the 2013 festival we decided it was time to change tack<\/strong><\/a>, and the results are right before your eyes....<\/p>\n<\/div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\/div><\/div>

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